How Important Are Murrieta Consumer Reviews For Businesses?

97 % Read Reviews

97% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses

85 % Trust Reviews

85% of shoppers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations

73 % Builds Trust

73% of consumers say positive reviews make them trust a local business more

49 % Influence

49% of shoppers need at least a four-star rating before they choose to use a business


Many Business Owners in Murrieta Face Similar Issues

  • They ask customers to review their business but they forget, don’t have time, or don’t know how.
  • There are so many review sites, and they don’t fully know what’s being said about their business online.
  • They have negative reviews that are doing harm to their business reputation.

ReviewLead Solves These Problems Here’s How Murrieta Reputation Management Works:

Monitor Murrieta Customer Reviews

Real-Time Custom Reporting Tools

We continuously monitor dozens of review sites so you don’t have to.

Get email alerts every time someone leaves an online review and always know what’s being said about your business.

Plus, our customized monthly reports give you a thorough overview of your online reputation in Murrieta.

Customer review monitoring & reporting

Remind Your Customers
Custom Email & Text Campaigns

Send automatic emails or text messages to customers over a scheduled period, reminding them to leave a review at a time that’s convenient for them.

Stop forgetting to ask customers to review you and focus on running your business!

Automated email campaign to remind customers to leave an online review

Guide Your Customers
Get Reviews on the Sites that Matter

Funnel customers to a customized landing page where they choose “good” or “bad” experience.

Display links to every profile for which you want to have reviews.

Provide clear instructions on how to leave a review on each individual site.

  • Murrieta Reputation Management: Customer review landing page
    Customer is directed to your custom landing page
  • Reputation Management in Murrieta: Customer review landing page
    Select “good” or “bad” experience
  • Get customer reviews Murrieta: Customer review landing page
    Present them with all review site options in one place
  • Customer reviews in Murrieta: customer review funnel
    Provide detailed instructions specific to each review site


Capture Negative Reviews
Before They’re Posted Online

There are some customers you’ll never be able to please. Our review system helps to direct unhappy customers directly to you before they post online, allowing you to respond and fix issues in private.

Customers who choose “bad experience” on your landing page are shown a contact form which sends directly to you, so you have the option to handle the situation before it hurts your online reputation.

Some negative reviews will still be posted online; how you handle them publicly has an effect on consumer perception of your company. And we’re always here to help handle situations if needed.

Capture negative responses before they're posted online

Amplify Your Positive Reviews
On Your Website and Social Media

Use the most powerful marketing tool you have, your existing customers! Spread the good word to gain new customers.

Stream your best reviews directly on your website in real-time.

Automatically post new reviews to social media channels, instantly creating additional content and interactions.

Post positive reviews on your website and social media

How Our Murrieta Reputation Management System Works

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in – consumer reviews are important if you want to stand out from your competition and be the trusted resource for consumers.

ReviewLead is an easy-to-use, automated platform that works around the clock to bring in more 5-Star reviews from your customers.

This video explains how it works using a fictional restaurant as an example.

Get More Murrieta Customer Reviews

On The Sites That Matter

Includes major, local, and industry-specific review sites.

Get reviews on dozens of sites

Free Analysis of Your Online Reviews

Get a Bird’s Eye View of Your Online Reputation

Our advanced analysis tools examine multiple review sites and grade your current online reputation based on several factors – including the number of reviews, overall sentiment of the reviewers, the age of the reviews, and more.

Our custom comparative-analysis will show you how you compare to your competition, and provide a clear path to help you stand out from other businesses in your industry.

Get a free analysis of your customer reviews


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If you’re not satisfied and we can’t fix it, we’ll refund your money. No questions asked. We recommend trying the service for 3 months to see the full value.

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No sensitive information is transmitted here. All customer data is encrypted and secured.

    Get My Free Review Analysis Improve your online reputation now!

    All we need is your business name and phone number.

    We'll scan the major review sites, analyze your current reviews, and share the report with you for FREE!

    * We will never share your info with anyone.